The Kitten with a Broken Purr

The Kitten with the Broken Purr  (text for a picture book)

Jinx and Jax are brothers. They live with their mom in a house.

One day a family came to adopt them and take them to their forever home.

But Jinx was worried because he had a secret. His purr was broken.

Jinx’s purr sounded like an engine that wouldn’t quite start—on, off, on, on, off off, on again.

Jinx was worried that when the family found out his secret, they wouldn’t want him anymore.

Jax gave him kitty-kisses and told him not to worry.

Jinx worried anyway.

At the new house, Jinx and Jax met Bug (who wasn’t really a bug, but rather a cat) and Myst.

They were older, but soon all four cats played together.

But Jinx was still worried.

Bug gave Jinx kitty-kisses and told him not to worry.

Jinx worried anyway.

Then it happened!

The family was playing with the cats and Dad sat down and petted Jinx.

Jinx couldn’t help it; he started to purr.

Purr, purr, off off off puuuuurrrrrrrrr, purr purr, off off off purr

Jinx hid his face, he was sure Dad would get rid of him now.

Dad kept petting Jinx.

Jinx peeked one eye out.

Jinx peeked at the other cats.

Everyone was watching him and Dad.

Dad looked happy!

Jax bounded over to Jinx and gave him a headbutt and a quick kitty kiss before running off again.

Jinx purred louder, but it was still broken sounding. Dad still petted him.

Kate came over and said. “Jinx’s purr is broken.”

Dad said “ It does sound different from the other cats, it makes him special”

“Special?????” thought Jinx. He had never thought about it THAT way before.

Jinx was so happy he leaped up and chased Jax and Myst: he was “SPECIAL!”

Jax stuck his tongue out at Jinx, “Told you not to worry” he said.

Jinx didn’t worry anymore, his family loved him, his friends loved him, and he was SPECIAL!


©2001 Ruth Molenaar


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